3 February 2011

Village ministry

Today we travelled into the mountainous areas and early evening we met up with a village pastor called 'George'. He was a man with boldness and strength in his voice but clearly a man of God. He led us on foot to a tribal village that he spends time with on occasions. You can see us walking up a path surrounded by green pepper vines (as in salt and pepper) towards that village.

We met as is the 'norm' in what appeared to be the center of this village where around 30 kids greeted us with joyful, happy faces.

We observed that very near by was a Hindu temple and the reality of the spiritual opposition was very evident. In fact a few hours earlier we were struggling with all kinds of silly issues and even Kym and I were a bit 'frayed at the ends'. If only we realised earlier that the enemy was working against us and that might explain some of these issues.(We took time to pray in the foot path and proceeded onward.)

Another IVCM pastor taught the children a new song to which some of the adults tried to join in. Pastor George spoke to the kids and he can be seen raising his hand with the temple in the back ground. Kym did a children's message and I followed with a gospel message. I was especially aiming at the few adults (mostly old) who were still gathering in response to the worship and activities we were performing.

9 adults responded and made a decision to follow Jesus which was so encouraging and we gave them each a copy of the N.Testament to take home. Pastor George made himself familiar for follow up later on and invited them to his church some 15 minute walk away.

A very special thing happened after we distributed the bibles and prayed with these new believers, was a small young boy came up to Kym and I and asked if we would pray for him! These are beautiful moments we treasure as this was clearly his own response, and we also gave him a NT.

Thanks for your prayers and encouraging emails that some of you have sent, sorry if we cannot reply to all, but it is encouraging to know our efforts to keep you updated are helpful.