3 January 2011

2011 visit countdown:

Greetings to you all in this New Year, we pray that God will bless your lives and ministry during 2011 and that you will continue to pray for IVCM.

With passports and visa's duly stamped we are fast approaching the date of our departure to South India (Jan 27th),  there are so many preparations still needed to be done as well as church/college and business obligations. Please pray for all those needs to be met as well as the preparations going on India for our mission to succeed. We intend doing a blog again so that you can follow our progress, but more of that in a couple of weeks.

We are writing to appeal for your help to join with us in prayer for the Lord to make provision by His people for the balance of funds needed to bless the very poor people we shall meet on this trip. You can see from the above (attached pictures) that so many believers where blessed last year by being given a full Bible in their own Tamil language. Many received a bible for the first time in their lives and you can imagine what impact that has had upon their spiritual lives to have their own copy of God's word!

We understand the economic hardships that many people face (more for those who have lost jobs or even homes), none the less for the first time we are appealing for help as these believers also need support as they face similar hardships.  We are approximately £1200 short of our target, and at this time can only afford around 90 bibles instead of the normal minimum requirement of 500 plus 200 New testaments. In addition we usually bless some of the poor widows with a new saris as this will be the only help they will get in 2011! (you can see Kym giving one to a young widow as she prays for her).

I have been reading today as part of my studies a book by Richard Foster on the subject of money, and he reminded me that if we own a car and a home that we are still more wealthy than 90% of the rest of the people on this planet. This means we are (despite our perception of our current needs) among the world's upper class. Please note that this is not intended to to make us feel guilty; it is intended to to help us capture an accurate picture of the real situation in the world. He goes on to say that " we badly need conversion in our understanding of ownership, perhaps we need to stamp everything in our possession with the reminder 'Given by God, Owned by God, and to be used for the Purposes of God".

Would you please consider making a financial contribution towards meeting these costs for Bibles and Saris so that we may bless some of the poorest people in rural and tribal villages. Time is short but if you can mail a cheque (or give it to us in person) so that we can deposit it into our UK Mission bank account, then please make this payable to IVCM;   If you simply cannot afford to do this right now will you please pray alongside us that God will prompt His people to be generous for building His kingdom in India. 

It is not necessary for everyone to give large sums of money, Just £10 would enable us to buy 8 bibles, £25 = 20 bibles;  so if a number of people joined in this appeal then we could achieve our target easily. We are praying in faith believing that God will provide.

Please e mail us for further info