28 January 2012


Here's a few pictures of Rod and Kym's trip this year but also from past trips:

24 January 2012

'The Last Post' - geddit??!

Today after our second pastors meeting we travelled back to Madurai ready for the start of our onward journey home. This is always a sad moment and I hate saying goodbyes.

Once again we have been made so  welcome by our Indian believers and also so many rural village people. There is no doubt in my mind that their attitude to work and hospitality is given such great importance. Their faith is generally so strong and is carried throughout the week with a heart for fellowship with other believers. Nothing seems too much trouble and often make sacrificial contributions. 

Kym was bowled over at one meeting when two people gave her an offering. Whilst risking criticism, I believe we have not always grasped in the West, the the real vibrance that we see in the early church of the new testament, that we see here often replicated in India.  We seem to be so busy with meetings and attempting how to 'do or organise  church', that we sometimes miss out on living out our lives and blessing one another, and being dependant on God. I realise this is a general statement and there will always be acceptions of examples in the West, but the reality of living out ones faith in India has to be personally witnessed to make these comparisons.

There are of course many frustrations and issues that we in the West have to overcome and that is part of embracing the culture. each time we learn new things and new ways, which all makes for future improvement. None the less we always take back a sense of being loved and appreciated.

There is always the stark reality of the poverty, corruption and cruelty that we see and experience, mixed alongside some beautiful sites that are blended with the simplicity of rural life. On our way home we had a big wake up call as we came across a tragic accident where a body lay in the road having been presumably hit by another vehicle. It was a very graphic site and made us appreciate how much  God is merciful to us in all our travels and has faithfully answered all our prayers.

We leave with saddened hearts but better informed and blessed by God as we have served Him during these two weeks. Thanks for your support and also a special thanks to Dave for doing the Blog and Juergen for circulating email updates

23 January 2012

Power cuts and Power holidays!

After the 2 services we then conducted a baptismal service and 4 new believers were baptised with many watching on this event, again I count it pure joy and a privilege to conduct this aspect of our ministry alongside the pastors.

After this we held our second women's meeting in the evening which was well attended albeit interrupted with power cuts which we have become accustomed to. Locally called a 'power holiday'! These women made special efforts to come and listen immediately after coming home from work, they are willing to make great efforts to learn more about the bible

Orphan time was had by all (say it in yer head!)

A very busy day as this involved four services/meetings, very punishing in one sense but rewarding as always. We are here on a mission and people are eager to hear and receive bibles and saris and for prayer.

Our first service at a small IVCM church Kym took which helped me conserve my voice and it culminated in 4 people make a commitment to Christ. This was so encouraging for the pastor and fellow believers, we could see growth from 2 years a go.

The next service was at the church where our own orphans are based. This church had expanded in terms of the congregation and many improvements had been made. The orphans made a special effort to greet us and line up with a guard of honour holding reed crosses. Again we were blessed as 5 new believers made a decision to accept Jesus. Each received new testaments (see pics with bibles).

The orphans were so happy to spend time with us, and we gave them cuddly toys/pencils and tooth brushes. Also we had funded to provide new matts to sleep on. what a privilege to spend time with these well cared for young people and they seemed so  responsive and grateful for your gifts.

22 January 2012

Seed produces fruit....

Yesterday was a long day and demanded much of us as this involved much travelling. We started at 8am and got back at 11.10pm exhausted but very satisfied.

The morning was the second youth meeting, which was well attended and they appreciated our teaching which involved participation. They seemed very responsive both adults and young people. There was a strong response to the call at the end of the meeting where over 50 young people made a decision to accept Jesus. we trust that the good seed sown will grow and develop into something beautiful, please pray for these new believers.

In the evening we held an outdoor Gospel meeting in a rural village. This was also well attended by some 300 people. Many were still coming from work after we started and enjoyed sitting and listening and watching. To start with there was no power, and we had to use a generator but this would cause problems with using the projector and media. However just as we started the power came back on , and then again at the end within 5 minutes the power went off! How about that for timely intervention! Many people asked for prayer at the end and some for healing. However 27 people mostly adults but some teenagers came forward at the end to accept Christ.

Thanks for your prayers, please do continue as we are flagging a little as we near the end. god has been so good and sustained our very need. Keep praying as we make the most of these opportunities.