7 February 2009

A Satisfying Saturday

What a final day... !!

We held our first international board meeting and hired an appropriate meeting room in the hotel. Kym and I were welcomed an formally appointed as International President and vice president of IVCM. Indians have a way of doing things in a ceremonial manner which takes some getting use to but we have to be gracious as they love making a fuss.

After a song, prayer we were presented with two very special garlands of roses... the perfume was simply beautiful.

After business matters had concluded we headed then to a small school hall and to our surprise found only a small group of people, a good percentage of adults inc. One could have been hugely disappointed but somehow we managed to stay cheerful with optimism and a hope God would still be at work.

After a good time of worship, our sessions of encouragement and group discussion resulted in around 6 adults and 11 young people giving their hearts to the Lord, while many others rededicated their lives to christ.

Now in Chennai and once again typing this in the late hours of the night. Forgive any typos and "strained thoughts/opinions" as it's not the best time to write fluently... but the ONLY time available to us often after a grueling day ..physically that is.

Will prob write a final conclusion when we have time to do so, thanks again to everyone for their prayers and support

A new Church...??

What a day.. A few emails rec'd which caused a heavy heart, followed by lots of delays and even a puncture out in a very remote place.

We drove 3 hours to get to a small town where we were asked to preach and although only a few there, we had confirmation that God was w
orking through His word.

We then drove to a Christian run school that we saw for the first time last year. Fifty kids more .....what a welcome. The older ones gave us a 'hearty welcome' as they say here! Garlands , flowers and songs ... See below

Lots of children were either dressed up or holding verses of scripture waiting patiently to show us. We felt like royalty.
This school has really started to develop, with a new building going up, as a result of loans following our visit last year. The school has very limited facilities, and yet it' the only Christian witn
ess for this whole area.

After an enthusiasticc children's talk and a brief cultural performance we had lunch..... Around 3.30pm!

By the time we
finished lunch parents had arrived to meet us and hear the gospel. Despite many distractions ..or so I thought, these parents sat before us listening to the words being translated.

When it became very clear what I was preaching some started to get up and leave quietly...not an encouraging site. We started with approx. 60 men and women, and a few left here and there.

At the end I felt prompted to give an 'altar call' and passed the baton to an IVCM pastor, to explain things.
Where as I had thoug
ht maybe one or two would come forward....having asked the Lord for specific ones in silent prayer; over 40 people , inc. a few teaching staff members ! ! ..gave their hearts to the Lord... Thank you Jesus!!

We were overwhelmed at the response. A very small rather frail lady came forward first. She quickly clutched my hands looking intently in my face and with tears running down her face was trying to thank me I think....this was 'Kingdom business' taking place. Very soon the others followed including the volunteers I had asked to help with my talk.

What a privilege to lead so many to Christ. THANK YOU for praying into this. This is simply amazing as this town without any church at all suddenly is 40 strong! No building as yet but we can of course use the school. Please pray for these new lives, and for those who heard and turned away.

This is all so worthwhile and God's favour seems to be upon this nation in the sense of the Gospel bearing fruit. It is of course a very tender time ... And we know of recent attacks of persecution.....so what lies ahead?

One last youth meeting ahead of us please pray into that too...

5 February 2009

"Sister Susan"

News from Kym....

This morning we had a women's meeting where 70 ladies were expected BUT 115 tuned up to hear a lady from the UK called Sister Susan! Yes ....that's me, featuring on posters as Sister Susan, I cannot believe it, known by my first name which has always been annoying. I think God has a wonderful sense of humour.

We had an incredibly uplifting service where Rod and I enjoyed worshipping with these lively ladies. We are beginning to recognise and enjoy singing Tamil choruses but this time the Pastor added a song in English. He sung it very well. I spoke first with Rod taking second place for once!

But as always God wonderfully dove tails his message through each of us even though we do know what we have prepared beforehand. This happens on just about every occasion - praise God.

One lady came and said afterwards that the message was definitely for her. Much prayer was said after the service which included me laying my hands on one crying lady who desperately wants to have a child. I can but trust God's will for her life but also I have a keenness to hear some "good news" at a later date.

God is being wonderfully positive with our bodily ailments too, I thought yesterday that my tummy was in for the worse but after prayer I am doing fine today. Thank you Jesus.

Some more pics......

Women grateful to receive Bibles freely;

Women in worship;

Trains and training

After a long day we got the train at 2am to Madurai (see pics). Note the interesting fact that in order to get our cases to the correct side, they had to be hand balled across the track, through a stationary train, and up and over another platform........ that's India for you !!! Yesterday we attended a Pastors seminar and about 70 came from the surrounding districts. This is another of IVCM's ministry. To help/network and encourage independent pastors in surrounding villages. We provide one way transportation and free lunch!

We both spoke and they were much encouraged by our ministry.

Here are some pictures and stories of our last few days....

This afternoon we went to the place that we have bought land for a future community centre. We had such a welcome. Kids came out in costume to welcome us and dance, offering garlands ..

We opened the start of the tailoring training and had to cut the ribbon. Can't wait for funds to come in to build the full community project. This place has become even more alive since last year.
We then went into the makeshift coconut marquee for worship and Gospel service....

Praise God 11 people gave their hearts to the Lord that night....

Again an opportunity to speak to a local passer by. While worship in song was taking place, I saw a man on a bicycle with a huge bundle of straw go by and then stop....and listen. He came towards me and I shook his hand and invited him in. I left the service to greet him and sat him down.....amazing really as I had no translator. The Lord seems to enable us to 'connect' with these dear people in such a positive way.

At the end of the service and prayer we distributed gifts to the orphans, Bibles to those in need and Saris for the widows. The orphans here are wonderful kids and they remember us. Please Pray in these funds as they still have no permanent home!
4 hours later we finished our ministry and headed back to the hotel ..via a Christian home who wanted us to pray with them....hotel and dinner at 11 .30 p.m. Long Days but awesome!

2 February 2009

A little does a lot

The following pics of foundation trenches and with us praying is the start of something wonderful....

Pastor Paul with his believers have saved for 3 years to raise 100 pounds towards building a new prayer hall in this other village. 60-70 people could come when it is complete. Will you help answer our prayers????? They need 1000 pounds to provide for the materials. They will provide the labour.

Would'nt this be awesome if the Lords people watching this could help move this project forward! You have seen what is being done in the name of the Lord. What a privilege for us to be on our knees with them on this spot.. been reminded both in our home church and from emails from a close brother about Nehemiah... how apt!!

It would only take 20 people to give 50 pounds or 40 people 25 pounds OR 10 churches to give just 100 each. Which ever way you look at it it seems reachable. We are so grateful for all your prayers and for the generous contributions for the bibles and Saris and forgive us for asking for more. We are here, you are there but this need is so deserving.. Please pray in these funds & give where you can.

Contact us via our e mail address on the left of the page.

'Cow's' and 'Wow's'

You can see in the picture here another exampleof the variation of IVCM's ministry. People (inc kids) come out and literally meet in the middle of the village at night. Kym preached and I did a kids talk. What an awesome experience! This is 'Street Ministry'.....taking Church (without the building) to where the people are. The local neighbours stand and watch and listen to everything...... I saw some laughing at the kids talk illustration.This is where we used the DVD and projector to show the Jesus film project. This style of ministry ... WORKS!!

We started at 10am this morning and finished at 10pm ! 3 services to preach, children's ministry, and distribute saris to widows and bibles to those in need, plus of course 1 hour of individual prayer.

Prayer is a vital ingredient as you will have gathered. All in all an exhausting day by the time we got back and had dinner, got to bed around midnight..but what a day!

The evening service in this particular village was on the 3rd storey of an unusual building.. not your glossy mag kinda place. Had to be seen to be believed. = approx 20ft x 20ft with a brick wall partition about 3ft high in the middle. Walls rough brick resembling an animal shelter, but inside we found about 35 people inc kids in full worship without one single instrument! (see pic left)

Despite our surrounds this 'church' was an amazing assembly of God's people. I have come to the conclusion that I am now seriously challenged about how we "do church" in the Western world and how much we spend on buildings; esp after the earlier service when two people got converted because of open sides!

Perhaps instead of putting up walls we should be knocking them down, if it were not for -7oC or 114oF (for our American friends)..........????

We have also been challenged by the need for prayer ourselves. We find with the things we are confronted with (often visually) that we feel perhaps inadequate.

I know that familiar saying 'it's not in our own strength', but somehow the reality of a dear brother or sister on their knees in front of you with expectant eyes (often with tears) demands your whole being as you lift them up to the Lord...

Finally, a couple of other stories.... First here is living proof of first the request in prayer and the answer provided for. Pastor Paul and his father (see pic) had been praying for some cows to enable the profit to help support his ministry... here's the result!

And then here's Kym on the motorbike of Pastor Solomon had just enjoyed aride with him driving it up a rural lane. This was another great provision which enables him to get around the various rural villagesand save time with buses and lots of walking. He can also take otherhelpers with him if necessary. What a practical blessing!

1 February 2009

'Cow' to 'Bow'

The first service was full of "alive" Christians and I was preaching about the power of passion, I felt God was working in the lives of his people and it was so encouraging to see them so zealous for the things of God. The individual prayer time that followed was amazing !

Why are we not sold bold in our culture to come forward for prayer?? Are we so dependant on our own efforts that inhibits us from taking that opportunity to pray with fellow believers? We have prayer teams but in my opinion we don't really use them enough. Isn't this something we should get right? These people have found the secret in prayer, we take our sercets home from church! ?

The second service was even more amazing...awesome in fact. We walked to a 'open air church' (see left) in the middle of this village land a makeshift tent similar to something you might see in a dessert. Carpet like cloths hung by thin rope making a canopy.

A small goup of believers maybe 60 + a group of children. I felt the need to speak to the children using a 'magic candle' that you can't blow out .... I am the light of the world.. The kids were intent and seem to grasp every word. During the main sermon a man walking his cow (see below) went by, stopped and sat down on the grass, some yards away... And listened in. ......when was the last time you saw that in Hereford?.

It so happened that I was at an appropiate moment and felt led by the Spirit to preach the Gospel in the context of what I was preaching. We finished the message later, gave out saris and bibles, then followed communion.

Next thing you know that same man came into the 'church' and asked for prayer... You can imagine what followed next! Then as if that was not enough a women also came up to me who was also listening near by gave her heart to the Lord! .. I was waiting for the chariot next .....

This is so amazing... Keep the prayers coming thank you thank you for prayers. Pray for protection from the enemy as we are seeing many lives being transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light .

Kym has been doing a sterling job in partnering me with prayer, giving out saris to the women and praying for each one. The prayer ministry is awesome but very demanding. What a joy to be able to hand out bibles freely to those in need.

IVCM primary ministry in evangelism and outreach is so worthwhile. It's so simple but so effective! The secondary ministry in social works , providing care, saris, orphans etc. What a vital ministry.