13 February 2011

Reflections from home....

We are now back in the outskirts of cozy Hereford safe, sound but shattered!

What an awesome place India is with such extremes in wealth and contrasts within its culture. It is something you truly must experience with your own eyes to understand what has been written. I guess that even we know that we could keep coming for many years and still not fully grasp everything and embrace the changes we see, such as the deeper division in wealth in places like Bangalore with it?s sudden explosion of IT to the poor rural people who can barely make it.

The influence of the (dark spiritual) oppression has never been so clearly felt as was experienced in this trip, or maybe we are just more aware of what surrounds us and the battles we face daily. Just about everywhere you go idol worship from temples to idols in fields or on the roadside, to images in the homes and hotels and even in the cars we ride in, are prevalent. There is something really exciting though about being able to work with an enthusiastic team of IVCM pastors and enter a village, or a rural home and share the ?good news?. It is even more wonderful to experience lives come forward and accept the gospel knowing that darkness has been reduced even if only just a small amount. Around 100 people made a decision to accept Jesus on this trip and we give thanks for that!

Visually it is a very graphic place and the imprints are clearly impressed upon our minds and hearts. It is so humbling to have old ones ask with trembling hands to pray for them, and perhaps even sobbing their hearts out before you. As you embrace them with Christ?s love and show compassion it also calls for a deep measure of faith as you pray. It still amazes us that even the very young are bold enough to come forward and ask for prayer! Daily fresh images of their homes and land with animals & cooking pots that pass you by, relates to the area in which these people are associated, and affirms the very need for rural village ministry.

There is such a contrast to the warm generous welcome that you receive wherever you go, (especially in small villages and with people who work the fields and thrash rice on the roadside); to the stark frustrations with what seems almost a lack of ability to plan ahead or take precautionary measures even in the simplest of things, let alone keep any real sense of time. There are endless excuses for why things are 'different on the day' that as a 'Westerner' is really annoying, but at the same time you cannot but help love them. There is much the Western church can learn from the heart of these people especially when it comes to prayer, but similarly there are things that we can share and teach them that will benefit and enhance 'the church' of India.

It is a challenge that thankfully is supported by your generous giving and prayers that God blesses and uses for His purposes and so it is a privilege to serve. In addition we want to thank those who have written sent words of encouragement, this has been so uplifting and helped us through difficult times. A special appreciation must go to Dave Hider for faithfully uploading my daily thoughts and pictures and providing such creative titles, also to Juergen who has distributed email updates and forwarded your responses.

Please continue to pray for this ministry and all who serve to reach out with care and love. Feb 2011.

P.S from Dave, It was a privelage to serve you guys in the stunning work you are doing....x

11 February 2011

Where grace abounds......

Our final programs consisted of a pastor's seminar (identical to that held in Salem) and a return visit to a Christian run school. The pastors meeting was another challenge as there was a 'power holiday'. as they call it when no electricity was provided in that community for the day. Consequently we had to hire a generator to run all the equipment, lighting, fans etc. which pushed us over budget. This however resulted in another problem? My lap top and projector became 'hot' i.e. electric shocks. It turns out no earth had been provided! This meant we could not use this equipment but this did not prevent us from doing most of the program. Electricity in rural India is quite a challenge! The pastors really were enthusiastic and expressed gratitude for us sharing our messages.

Tuesday saw us spending the whole day at the school, presented with gifts, garlands and a cultural show put on by the children. Both of us spoke to the 250 children and had them laughing as well as explaining biblical truths. Kym then spoke to the staff in the school chapel and was followed by me speaking to the school pastor and some local independent pastors, something that suddenly appeared as an extra item on the agenda!!

The afternoon was a challenge in more ways than one, in that I had been asked to give a gospel message to the parents as I had done in previous years. Up until a few days prior I had nothing prepared and then the Lord gave me quite definitely Psalm 23 and how to introduce him as a shepherd and then to run through this a second time with a specific gospel outreach. Everyone gave me their full attention and I sensed the Spirit really working and became aware of His leading and prompting, everything was just prime for the last part. It is hard to explain what happened next but all of a sudden the principal intervened and prevented me from doing an 'alter call'. I felt my message was convicting hearts and was totally floored by this sudden event that resulted in things being taken out of my hand.

My heart sank, as I knew that many were ready to make a commitment and make a decision to accept Jesus. It's hard to explain but often the Lord shows me specific people during a meeting that later are stood at my feet ready to change their lives, and this was another such occasion. I was asked to say a general prayer and then the principle proceeded to summarise my message and expressed gratitude for speaking.

This was an awkward and difficult ending and I felt the enemy had 'stolen the show' as it were. I cannot tell you how disappointed I was and it took a lot of effort to recover, Kym of course encouraged me by saying they did hear the gospel and that was all important. I later found out that one lady in particular had expressed some fears in her life, which I happened to touch upon in my preaching, and therefore I know God had spoken to her. She I know, was one that had been already highlighted to me during the meeting! I have to trust the Lord would still turn these people towards Him.

8 February 2011


Sunday evening we hired a hall in the middle of a very rural community and Kym did a sterling job in speaking to these precious ladies with a powerful message. They responded with great emotion and many came and knelt down in front of her to be prayed for (see pic). I also spoke and together we seemed to really bless them.

The hall was packed and they were in full worship using every ounce of energy.It is so wonderful to know that such poor and humble people love the same God that we worship and are saved for eternity. They have come out of darkness into the light, and now have a new birth into a LVING HOPE that we read of In 1 Peter 1:
It excites us to know that the Gospel is alive in India despite the problems, I can relate to how Paul says "I am eager to preach the gospel" Romans 1:15, evangelism is awesome!!!

Keep praying as YOU are a valuable part of this team!

7 February 2011

The Greatest Gift...and other gifts too!

Sunday was another long day and with many different programs. The morning we went to a rural church that we had been to before and we both spoke. Kym a children's message and myself the main preach. It is here that IVCM's 27 orphans are taken care of , but still we need to build the orphanage.

The children and the people responded to the messages and also 9 people of mixed ages responded to the gospel. They were so pleased to receive a New Test' Bible. I had no deliberate plan to preach specifically the gospel message, but felt led to towards the end. It was a very special moment as people came forward for prayer with burdens and also for healing. Then those in the picture responded to the gospel. They are thirsty for the truth.

I then baptised two new believers and had much joy in pronouncing their new names, as that is part of their culture when being baptised.

Afterwards we spent time with the orphans and distributed pillows (the first time they have ever had one), also some received school bags. we then had a mass distribution of toothbrushes/combs/notebooks and pencils, as well as a cuddly toy. They were so happy it was truly amazing, and it was like Christmas as each one was surrounded with practical gifts. Please pray for them as they here the Word of God in church and are looked after by a lady warden. Thanks to those who gave for these provisions, it was so worth bringing them all the way from the UK.

Good News:

Sat Youth meeting was packed, so much so that they had to put a canopy extension outside the hall we rented, which was a pity in one sense as this restricted what they could see to some extent.

These kids were so enthusiastic in all we did and in worship, I sense this next generation will be people that God uses to speak into India in a powerful way. At the end of the service 12 youth made a decision to follow Christ and can be see here with new testaments.

Sat night was a gospel open air meeting in a very rural village, walking thru cows and goats to find a small area lit up but with worship booming out into the local community. It's a wonder you did not hear it in England (maybe another speaker would have reached the USA!)

An awesome time was had and we gave out the last of our teddies, tooth brushes and pencils to the young people. At the end of the meeting around 19 young and old people came forward and made a decision to accept Christ, here holding up New Testaments. What was so amazing was some older lads in there early 20's who ran boldly up to start with and then others followed. One lad in particular is the son of a man who accepted Christ 2 years before in this village and so for em that was very special.

"Grafting for the Gospel":

I think we are getting tired now and the 'annoyances' of India are starting to rise to the surface and we have to remain focussed on the plans God still wants us to fulfill. We have had some long days which have been demanding upon our very souls. It reminds me that Jesus experienced the same things as he faced the multitudes each day.

We started today and was on the road at 7.30am  and got into our room at 11.45pm, only to find that it was so noisy we had to 'shift rooms' as the Indians say. So at 12.30 we finally settled into bed. Another prompt start that morning meant it was a short night.

We are often surrounded or near temples and idols, some grotesque, but at the same time we see some beautiful things.

Our heart strings are being yanked in all directions, from the exposure to such sadness and poverty with the people in the deepest rural villages; to having to pray some of the hardest prayers we are being asked to do. For example one frail old lady ( a believer) came up to me and asked me to pray that the Lord would call her home. She said simply " Iv'e had enough'... I want to be with the lord1 She grabbed my hands and just wept, sobbing in my arms! By contrast it's a joy to pray for the young children who come up and ask for prayer for exams.

Kym hada family come and ask for prayer , they were so grateful but slipped something into her handbag. When later on ... after the multitudes had left and we were in the car. She found money tightly folded. It was the equivalent of a weeks wages.! Such sacrifice  and I am not always sure why or what the motive is. Kym is also seen here with a teenage girl, who asked for prayer. She sat on her lap and as Kym prayed she had tears running down her face.

What a privilege it is to minister to these people and share Jesus compassion with them. I want to do so much more, but thank God we are doing something, I guess I am not satisfied with the few drops, and want a bigger bucket!

Please pray for fresh energy to be sustained for these last few days

4 February 2011

'Driven' to find out more....

What an awesome end to part one!

As you know our driver had been attending some (in part) of our meetings. He has been very helpful albeit burly in character and have enjoyed teasing him most days. This is the first time a driver has ever been interested in what we do and observed our activities.

He has also seen me tease the youth and even hotel staff wherever we go and somehow we have related to one another in a positive way. I asked you recently to pray for him. At the end of a very long day as we pulled up at the hotel, he asked if I would pray with him. I knew at once this needed taking further. After a chat I told him that Jesus loved him and so did I, and that he needed to make some changes in his life and accept Jesus as Lord. I hugged him & we prayed together and he asked Jesus into his heart.

This was an awesome moment and this was for all of us a wonderful event that I will never forget. The next day (our last in this area), we gave him a bible and also a N.test. for his daughter. I later learned that his daughter who was married had been possessed by a demon, and her husband left her. Selvin (the father ~ our driver) had witnessed a change in her after another pastor had prayed for her and told us that she was interested in Christianity.

It's awesome to be part of a chain that God uses to speak to people and we give thanks for his response. Pastor David is arranging a visit (on return from the mission) to follow up with Selvin and pray with his family. Please pray that the whole family will be saved!

3 February 2011

Village ministry

Today we travelled into the mountainous areas and early evening we met up with a village pastor called 'George'. He was a man with boldness and strength in his voice but clearly a man of God. He led us on foot to a tribal village that he spends time with on occasions. You can see us walking up a path surrounded by green pepper vines (as in salt and pepper) towards that village.

We met as is the 'norm' in what appeared to be the center of this village where around 30 kids greeted us with joyful, happy faces.

We observed that very near by was a Hindu temple and the reality of the spiritual opposition was very evident. In fact a few hours earlier we were struggling with all kinds of silly issues and even Kym and I were a bit 'frayed at the ends'. If only we realised earlier that the enemy was working against us and that might explain some of these issues.(We took time to pray in the foot path and proceeded onward.)

Another IVCM pastor taught the children a new song to which some of the adults tried to join in. Pastor George spoke to the kids and he can be seen raising his hand with the temple in the back ground. Kym did a children's message and I followed with a gospel message. I was especially aiming at the few adults (mostly old) who were still gathering in response to the worship and activities we were performing.

9 adults responded and made a decision to follow Jesus which was so encouraging and we gave them each a copy of the N.Testament to take home. Pastor George made himself familiar for follow up later on and invited them to his church some 15 minute walk away.

A very special thing happened after we distributed the bibles and prayed with these new believers, was a small young boy came up to Kym and I and asked if we would pray for him! These are beautiful moments we treasure as this was clearly his own response, and we also gave him a NT.

Thanks for your prayers and encouraging emails that some of you have sent, sorry if we cannot reply to all, but it is encouraging to know our efforts to keep you updated are helpful.

Kids & Kids (Goat ones!)

Tuesday evening had us visiting a very rural village which we had been to once before. This time IVCM has appointed a pastor who travels to this village and helps a few believers. As you can see from the pics ... it's very rural goats/cows and all!

It always amazes me that within moments of arriving some plastic chairs appear and some mats for the kids to sit on. The one issue however that appeared to be a challenge was going to be the lack of light as it was approaching dusk. About 25ft away from us was a single power pole with numerous wires hanging off it, and before you could say Ardu... (Tamil for Goat) a man went shinning up bare foot with a flood lamp trailing a pair of wires. In moments and with no safety equipment (as you can imagine) he strapped the light to the pole and had it connected...and then there was light ! Approx 40 kids and about 35 adults filled the village square.

Kym preached the gospel with some difficulty as we had no portable PA system (something we desp need) and the kids were very unruly at times. All kinds of distractions from bleating goats and a few drunken people on the side lines. At times I felt this was an impossible situation. I then rounded off using the light of the world illustration using visual aids. With a further enlightenment of the gospel, I felt brave enough to make an 'alter call' for people to respond. Approx 24 adults (inc. a few older youth) responded to the messages.. Praise the Lord.

I introduced pastor Immanuel (IVCM) to these people after praying with them. Pastor David interpreted the prayer of response as well as what to do next, and this was so encouraging. Please keep praying as despite the battles and aggravations God is working thru us.

2 February 2011

'Meet and eat'

Approx. 85 + Women turned up to the first IVCM women's meeting in this town. More would have come but some stayed at home to obtain their weekly supply of water, as this can happen at any time during the morning.

Kym delivered the main message which was greatly appreciated and Rod spoke after the tea break with a time of reflection. The meeting concluded with distribution of saris and bibles to nominated ladies who were so pleased to receive these.

One lady seen here can be seen getting a bible but then later requested prayer from Kym, as she was potentially facing a gynaecological operation and was extremely anxious about this happening.

A very successful meeting with positive feed back which concluded with lunch as we call it 'meet and eat', all part of IVCM 's getting people together from rural churches

1 February 2011

People all the way....:

This evening had us concluding the day with a visit to another rural church around 7pm. Not many people were present and if I am honest our reaction was one of disappointment. After about 20 minutes of worship led by a very gifted young man others started to arrive.

I recognised a couple of young people who I had recently baptised and their enthusiasm along with others changed our whole outlook. we had a really special time of fellowship, who were very attentive to both Kym and I as we spoke.

The children were delightful as you can see, and the young people were so excited to receive a new Tamil bible.

Some more 'teddies' were handed out and in particular to one handicapped young man who is permanently on crutches. He plays the bongos and sings with great passion and you can see he is devoted to Christ.

More saris were given out by Kym and this was followed by prayer, one lady asked for prayer for her eyesight which had been defective from birth. A real test of our faith and we are praying for healing!

Please also pray for our driver, who faithfully takes us around from place to place. This he does without any questions from 9am to 9pm every day so far. What is amazing tho is that he is now attending some of the services and meetings for some of the time. Tonight he heard the gospel and has witnessed baptism and other activities. Please pray for him and us as we look for the right opportunity to share Jesus one to one.

Running out of steam a bit, but have one more full day before we have a day off. Please keep praying. Thank you

Teaching the teachers:

A packed day which demanded our full concentration as the whole morning was devoted to a pastors seminar for independent rural village pastors. We hire a small hall and provide transport subsidies and lunch, so that they may come together for fellowship and teaching. Here you can see some of them in worship.

A huge responsibility to lead this program and to teach them. Our recent training at Bible college made us better equipped to do this, and on this occasion we were able to use some visual aids via  projector. Kym spoke on Jonah and then myself on leadership principals.

This was a very special time of fellowship and many people gave encouraging remarks. After lunch I spoke to the newly formed group of 'trainee pastors' as part of my college placement again on leadership. Some IVCM pastors also attended. This was the actual 'launch' of this new program, which needs a name (suggestions welcome!). The aim is to enable men who have a heart for the ministry but who have had no formal training and also could not afford to do so, to meet up on a regular basis for ministry training. 

30 January 2011

Sunday: A day of rest??!!!

A total of 3 services today so we have well and truly been blessed albeit quite demanding as we have ministered in so many different ways! A wonderful privilege to distribute saris to widows, and Bibles to the needy. Their expressions of gratitude leave such an impression upon our hearts and makes this so worthwhile for all the effort in raising finance and coming here to demonstrate God's love for them.

One new church that has become involved with IVCM sits on the top of a small hill and as you can see is a good walk to reach it. Such rural settings signify the importance of this ministry. The children are such a colourful picture and so good to see them come under the influence of the gospel at an early age.

On our way to the evening service we saw small rural shops with friendly people whom we are able to engage with even in a small way.