8 February 2013

Final reflections

This particular trip is a hard one to summarise, as it is full of surprises and emotions. One thing for sure is how blessed we really were to take out a team that the Lord melted together in such a way that it would seem hard to replicate!

While the extra work may have been harder in the planning and the supervision more demanding, the benefits of glorious fellowship was truly remarkable; it just reminded me of how much we actually miss out in 'church' unless we make the effort to spend time with other believers. The fun and laughter that we shared helped us get thru the difficult times and also we allowed ourselves to be 'vulnerable' with one another in the sense of sharing our emotions and could therefore pray for one another at the drop of a hat! If only we could be more open and do that more in our 'churches'.

India and all it's cultural differences has its beauty on one hand and its harsh difficult way of life for the most, is a cruel reminder of the land that is soaked in corruption and idol worship! The good news is that the 'Light of the gospel' is making huge inroads into the communities of rural villages in the state of Tamil Nadu the state in which we serve our all powerful one and only true God! The joy on the faces of those we meet wether old and frail, or young and weak have a hunger for God that I have yet to experience elsewhere (no doubt there are many other places in the world, but I suspect will be of similar backgrounds). The believers seem anxious to wait (often 1.5 or even 2 hours) for our arrival to hear the Word of God preached where else would you see that?, most I suspect would have gone home within 30 mins. 

The willingness to be flexible and change the format or simply stop a service to move the children near the front to hear the children's message goes on without a flap, but with a purpose of listening to the message! Ironically it was me who had the problems when the mikes were not working or the sound boards were being tweaked, or this or that was not in the right place because of my western thinking and expectations. Roger had to help me out on one occasion at the gospel meeting by reminding me it was OK to pray for the power to come back on when it was essential (as we had been praying for other more obvious miracles earlier), and we did and …. yes it did come back on! What a training ground, what a test of our faith, what a mighty God we serve!!

A special joy & delight for me was seeing God at work doing what He does best, powerful surprises . Although we faithfully prepare and pray and then act, it is in His strength we go and deliver. To have people respond to the gospel (whether one lost sheep or 50+) stand before you saying those 'salvation words' for the first time is always a glorious site that encourages you beyond words. I am reminded that in the very last service there was a young boy who spoke out those words so beautifully that Pastor Solomon put the mike in front of his mouth so they rang out into the congregation and what seemed like into the whole wide world! We witnessed miracles before our own eyes and we await the feed back and testimonies from all the meetings in due course which will confirm God was at work in the secret things that were not revealed to us at the time. 

Finally to see God at work among ourselves during Mission 13 and how He fans into flames the gifts given us that is spoken of in 2 Tim 1:6, what a remarkable demonstration of Gods power and purpose! For some a spirit of boldness, for others a 'time to dance', a word of knowledge, and to witness first hand a miracle of healing and a fresh anointing of the HS.

We as a team would ask that you please pray for the new graduates, new believers, newly baptised converts and in general the work we had the privilege of starting,; for our hardworking pastors with servant hearts who we left behind while we returned to our own culture with heavy hearts. Please pray also for the team who cannot ever be the same again because of the Lords doing during mission 13, that each will seek to strengthen and use the gifts given them as they move among Gods people in the West; ready perhaps to return one day soon to the land of India before the Lord returns! Thank you for your support in what ever way you have given, YOU have made a difference as we become Kingdom builders together.

6 February 2013

Last trumpet

The day began with a shorter service in a remote village of an IVCM pastor in the South, a small gathering of faithful believers were in full worship as we entered the building. Everyone of the team commented on how beautiful the 'church' was represented. children were included and even older ones brought in cups of water for the younger, while mothers seemed intent on what was being preached. We left the place in tears to see such humble sights and realised how we seem to be more rigid in our approach in the more traditional churches (but not all) compared with what we see here; it is hard to describe or put in words what we see and experience but there is for sure a hunger for God that is so obvious in these places.

We then headed for the orphans located by another church that we visit regularly . Our arrival was again announced with a small band of drums and trumpets and even fire crackers let off behind us, the noise and celebration was truly awesome! More greetings, shawls and various speeches made. We dedicated, anointed and opened the ground floor of the new orphanage which was still about a month from final completion, but that did not stop us from celebrating! Pat and Layla were asked to open the kitchen.. well another reason for celebration… why not? We then had a full service, gospel response (22 came forward), bible distribution, gifts distribution and so on.

Then we met and prayed with local IVCM pastors and moved into a baptismal service, which was arranged for 7 people; after the 6th one I was looking for the 7th when a strong man came and was carrying a crippled man into the baptismal tub. He helped me baptise this old man who was certainly not fearful and gave loud Amen responses to my questions. This was a very emotional moment for us all… what a testimony! Our finale at this place was to plant up a raised bed newly made for the occasion… just had to do garden once again!

The day concluded with the last women's meeting and the very last program of the mission trip. We were running so late that we could not stop for a meal but managed to grab a quick cup of tea infused with Cardamon that kept us going. None the less the 'ladies of the team' were extremely anxious about such a late start (1.5hrs late!!) The ladies seemed to have a new lease of life (thanks to the Cardamon) but within minutes of them starting people started entering the ALREADY packed hall. It turns out a bus load came 1.5hrs late and filled up the areas around the stage and then down the aisle! Over 400 women had gathered with eagerness to hear the message!. Kym was on form and included speaking several phrases in Tamil much to the interpreters surprise! The response was overwhelming and as she went down to pray over them there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit which was such a blessing to the team and the ladies gathered. A late arrival back to the hotel meant we were all very tired and checking in at 1.30am the next morning meant a very short night!


Kingdom Building

Saturday had us repeating the youth program we did in the North in a new location, and it was packed with young people eagerly awaiting to hear from us. We all spoke on the different topics relating to our theme of building for God, corner Stone, Living Stone etc, and how we connect to God thru Jesus. Our means of getting to heaven is thru Christ and we got teams to build ladders thanks to Pas. Antony of HBC who loaned us some visual aids. The end had me summarising the different points the team had made and preaching the gospel, following which 60 young people made a decision to accept Jesus.

That night we went off to a new location in a rural community for our second planned open air gospel outreach. We met under a make shift tented building with the music so loud it was hard to set up the audio visual aids we had prepared. We think around 350 adults and children came which was truly amazing with other standing by in the background. 

There was no real opposition this time PTL other than the power went out which threw me as much of this was intend to be visual. Roger came down onto the floor and joined me and said what we should pray for?  (which was timely) and he encouraged me by praying for the Lord to bring back the power so we could continue, as a number of other technical difficulties had arisen earlier. Within a short while enough power came back on for our needs and I began from Genesis and ended up preaching about hell, a subject I had not done before!

There were so many responses to the call that around 85 people came forward… PTL. Victory over the enemy made it all worthwhile! Then we began praying in earnest for groups of people that I called out and who responded by a show of hands, from sickness, to needing peace, to addiction etc. A profitable time was had and we were much encouraged!


Remote places means little or no internet and hence the delay in this report having hoped to have already sent it once already!

We left early to make a long drive deep into the rural districts North East of Madurai to visit the Christian influenced school we had been to before. We passed some amazing places along the way which included driving over rice in the road and had a toilet stop in a small bank in the middle of nowhere guard outside with an Indian man carrying a double barrel shotgun!?

Eventually we arrived at the school were many children were patiently waiting to greet us in the full sun, the entrance of the school was decked out with a huge welcome banner that only Indians do. So many people lined the entrance and onwards into the grounds of the school complete with drums and some kind of trumpets. 

We were greeted with garlands and shawls and asked to open a new school building after prayer . This involved unveiling an engraved plaque and then cutting a ribbon of a door way, on the floor lay several hand made pictures made out of various flowers and seeds surrounded by candles. We then had to each in turn light a individual wick on a large brass candle stick.

The day was packed with children's cultural programs, speaking to children and a smaller pastors meeting. After lunch we had more activities and then I had to speak to the parents of the children who had expressed an interest in hearing more about the bible, around 160 came. I preached the gospel and at the end 44 parents came forward and accepted Jesus, some with tears down their face. The Lord was present in a powerful way, one retired army officer came forward with tears asking for prayer relating to his addiction re alcohol. Later he was outside asking for prayer again this time from roger relating to his ankle or foot. 10 mins later he apparently came running up to Roger and threw his arms around him saying he had been healed, this was quite obvious by his leaping about! PTL. Well it did not stop there as other team members reported of other events happening after praying with people, myself included. 

A mother and a very small child came forward asking for prayer as her little boy was receiving speech therapy as he was dumb and nothing was working! I knelt down and grasped his face and prayed like I never had done before, I heard the Lord say ask him to speak but was anxious to follow that thru. I spoke to his mother and said ask him who I am, he then muttered the words 'Uncle' his second word was Jesus. I called Layla over to witness this and he spoke again. I guess I don't have to tell you what impact this had upon me and the team, we were blown away to see such an outpouring of the HS.

Just to end the day the Principal asked me to baptise her eldest son in a cement water tank. What a day of celebration, truly awesome we kept talking all the way home!