20 January 2009

"The Mission"

As many of you will know Rod and Kym and International Trustees of India Village Care Ministries, a Christian organisation (registered non profitable charitable trust) with a real heart & vision to reach rural villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide practical care and social works. You can access the UK web site here and the Indian web site here.

The Indian population is now estimated at over 1.1 billion. The 2nd most populated Country in the world.
Around 73% of people in India live in villages and as a result many of these places contain millions of people that are unreached with the Gospel and are often forgotten about. Many are living below the poverty line without proper food, accommodation, clothes and do not have access to education and medical facilities. In addition there are many thousands of orphans and semi orphans or abandoned street children.

IVCM is a relatively new organisation that is committed to holistic Christian mission and is concerned about people, including their spiritual, physical, mental, social well being, in light of the great commission of Jesus Christ and the biblical mandate given. Our primary work at this point of time is village evangelism (see the showing of the Jesus film below) and our secondary work is providing a vital level of social service and also working and encouraging other independent rural village pastors.

IVCM are experiencing much blessing and seeing rapid growth in the districts we are currently working in as a result of being committed to the Lord's ministry in these areas, but as we enlarge our hearts towards this new work we realise how important it is that we seek the help and outside support of like minded people who want to share in accomplishing these important tasks!

IVCM need to sustain the evangelism and social works we have begun in a variety of ways and so if you feel you are able to help and take seriously the task of praying and encouraging please read on and discover more about what God is doing through our ministries. Please consider how you could participate and become involved in these exciting opportunities that we have been given at this time.

IVCM are passionate about serving the Lord in this new mission opportunity and we need his help through his people to pursue and explore ways of coordinating our efforts as we seek mission partners.

The blog goes live....!

Hi! Welcome to our blog about tour travels round the world (especially India) in 2009!!

We are leaving the UK 29th January 2009 and will follow the itinerary shown on the left.
We hope you enjoy following their travels and feel inspired to pray and give towards the work.
If you can pray with us, here are our top 10 prayer requests:
1. Protection for safe travel and for good health & strength each day to enable us to carry out our responsibilities without interruption.
2. That we might walk with God in a remarkable way, be in harmony with the Spirit and have the clarity of thinking and speech that enables our ministry to be effective for the sake of the Kingdom.
3. That we will not be lacking any spiritual gifts that we might need to call upon as we face various challenges and opportunities in different situations.
4. Protection from the evil one as we encounter dark places and engage in spiritual warfare. Many recent testimonies from the field report of demonic activity and witchcraft.
5. For good times of fellowship & that we will be able to minister as humble servants with our brothers and sisters and to encourage them in this difficult work.
6. That we might gain a real knowledge of their needs and how we can assist them in advancing this ministry, without imposing ‘Western Ideas’.
7. That we might see many people young and old encouraged, uplifted, and helped; while many others might be saved from the bondage of sin and idolatry as they find a new life in Christ.
8. That all will go well with the Airport movements, visa entry/safe arrival of luggage etc.
9. That we will not offend by mistake anyone by our ‘Western culture’ and ways and that interpreters will be able to translate accurately the Word spoken.
10. Protection for our family, home and business while we are away for such a long time, and that the Lord will bless our ongoing business trip, that it too might bear much fruit.
Rod & Kym x