30 January 2011

Beauty for ashes:

Sunday morning had me planting the two small raised walls to the entrance of the new church we were going to anoint, and dedicate to the Lord. A small crowd of excited people gathered to watch and participate in this brief ceremony.

The very first service was soon held following which more Bibles and saris were distributed, a real blessing for them.

Such a joy to be involved with such lovely believers and be there to encourage them! It was a beautiful service with such passion for Christ expressed during the service in worship and prayer.

You could hear (even if we did not understand) an elderly man pray tenderly with such fervour that had me and others moved to the point of tears! And this woman was fully in love with Jesus as she worshipped him with her whole being, tears running down her face.

What an awesome thing it is to see these beautiful people saved by grace and showing true love to the one and only true God that we also worship. There is something marvellous to know that these and many others, have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in remote rural areas of India

Finally, so great to see this blind man (who we have met before) lead the church in worship and be totally included in the service as he helped us worship by playing the drum. Another fabulous picture of believers serving Christ wholeheartedly regardless of any physical disability.