1 February 2010

The Bible to people - however we can do it!

Caught up at last with the blog, just a few hours before tonight's meeting so here's the update for Sunday. 3 services, two normal ...(if there is such a thing out here!...everyone is different and you don't know what might happen next)! First these young lads greet you as good stewards to an opening between shops! Could this be Nightshift in India?
Two traditional services in the morning, followed by a special one late afternoon. worship, preach followed by handing out bibles to the needy and saris to the widows. (see pics)... notice how young some of the widows are!! Then request from individuals for prayer.


At one church with lots of children Peter talks to the children about the storm that Jesus calmed and after using his prop , gets them to do the actions!

I love looking at the women especially in Worship as they are not inhibited in any way... God is their audience!
Prayer requests come in sorts of ways .. here a 95 year old woman is greeted by Kym and Peter. These personal prayer requests are expected ......why are we so reserved to request prayer in some Western churches? Here it's the norm!