28 January 2013

New foundations, New beginnings

Last night we concluded our day by meeting in the heart of a community of witchcraft and other dark forces as we had expected to do. All I can say on the blog safely was that the battle began fiercely and dramatically long before we got there! Team members were effected in different ways and this resulted in us stepping our prayers beyond what we even had planned on doing. PLEASE continue to pray and hold us up, our arms are tired and need support, we are doing battle in satans territory, but God is showing people His glorious light!

We arrived to a new bigger church foundations with walls made of curtains and a gravel floor. 'Barefoot walking' had a whole new meaning for the team!

We preached the gospel after Layla had talked to over 30 kids. During the gospel message a few believer felt uncomfortable and walked out , then a few more as the critical time approached!

But praise God from this gathering 6 people made a decision to accept Jesus and so we drove home knowing victory was in the hands of the Lord! That of course only happened after more distributions and LOTS of prayer. Many people expressed with tears there need for God in their lives to deal with their difficult circumstances.

KEEP Praying, we keep preaching and praying for these dear people!