We held our first international board meeting and hired an appropriate meeting room in the hotel. Kym and I were welcomed an formally appointed as International President and vice president of IVCM. Indians have a way of doing things in a ceremonial manner which takes some getting use to but we have to be gracious as they love making a fuss.
After a song, prayer we were presented with two very special garlands of roses... the perfume was simply beautiful.
After business matters had concluded we headed then to a small school hall and to our surprise found only a small group of people, a good percentage of adults inc. One could have been hugely disappointed but somehow we managed to stay cheerful with optimism and a hope God would still be at work.
After a good time of worship, our sessions of encouragement and group discussion resulted in around 6 adults and 11 young people giving their hearts to the Lord, while many others rededicated their lives to christ.
Now in Chennai and once again typing this in the late hours of the night. Forgive any typos and "strained thoughts/opinions" as it's not the best time to write fluently... but the ONLY time available to us often after a grueling day ..physically that is.
Will prob write a final conclusion when we have time to do so, thanks again to everyone for their prayers and support
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