19 January 2012

Rural ramblings..

This evening we took a long journey to get to some tribal villages where the gospel is infrequently heard. Some children however from another village attended who knew some Christian songs came along and really enjoyed singing with our worship pastor Kumar. We loved the way the children responded to praying.

These places are different to the rural villages as things seem more primitive and definitely more remote, open fires, deep wells and stone or brick buildings to cope with the lower temperatures.  

Many work in the tea & coffee plantations on the slopes around. Despite some chaos at times (various interruptions from the enemy) 9 adults made a decision to accept Jesus which was a wonderful close to the evening. After this we gave out pencils and some toothbrushes and soft toys the pictures of which say it all!

Many people came up afterwards for individual prayer as can be seen, we needed torches to walk back through the forest paths late at night....quite an experience!


The morning had over 120 women attend the women's meeting which Kym was pleased to conduct and all seemed to enjoy very much. This meant approx 30 more attended and meant squeezing in more chairs. The worship and prayer times were very powerful, many commented afterwards how useful it was.

The afternoon had me training the Micah bible school students with two more sessions. It was kind of surreal being a theological student myself and teaching these guys who were hungry to learn more. i have to say it was a very enjoyable time with times of laughter in between.

17 January 2012

Hosting some VIP's (Very Important Pastors)

Another action packed day starting with a morning seminar of around 90 independent village pastors who gathered in a hall we hired to be taught on leadership and taking the church forward, so that the task of reaching many unsaved villages can be a goal to aim for by raising up and training new young men and women.

The afternoon was spent teaching the students at our own Micah bible school and that was a very rewarding experience. So many of the second year students were keen to respond to questions and search the scriptures. They were hungry for knowledge! Two more sessions are planned for tomorrow.

The evening saw us at another rural church, giving out bibles, saris and teddys. Long days but people so responsive and eager to hear and have fellowship.

New Pastor (ures)!

What an end to a very long day ! Another new village church and new IVCM pastor. We drove for many miles to get to this remote rural village. what a delight to see this small concrete building hidden behind some houses lit up with fluorescent tubes and a small extension added for the night as many new people came.

Inside the main cement building the people were packed in tightly and as usual men on one side and ladies on the other. They also seemed a very keen and vibrant bunch of people, greeting us as we tip toed through them to a small raised platform.

After a children's message and then a gospel message 14 people made a decision to accept Jesus. All were given New Testament bibles. The two IVCM pastors who share the responsibility of this village and surrounding areas were so happy to see new people make commitments. We gave out many pencils/ teddies and other small gifts.

We eventually left around 9.30pm and arrived back safely around 10.40pm

An amazing and rewarding day!

Treasure hunting...

We had spent so much time at the first new church that we arrived very late at the second new church Pastor Timothy's place. Also a new IVCM pastor and a new village church. This was basically a coconut shed converted for us to rent as a church building. Some people had left but the majority stayed behind for over an hour as they wanted to hear what God had to say and to meet us. Pastor David thought we would just pray for them and leave, but we felt the Lord saying we had to speak. Kym did a shortened version of her Treasures in jars of clay story, and I spoke from Mark 5 about the jailers sick daughter. How profound that turned out to be!

These people also were so happy to spend time with us and to have a second service immediately so to speak! We were all wondering if we should have come so late, but we felt the Lord say we must. A dear friend and former pastor sent me an email which i read before sending this quoting Jeremiah 1:7b-8 How prophetic these words turned out to be, as I had not planned to speak on Mark 5! The thrust was that Jesus said in verse 36 "don't be afraid just believe".. that was what i was asking them to do. 3 People stood up at once and asked to commit their lives to Jesus!

Then one young girl called Selvi (see pic with pastor Timothy) who was one of those who stood up was asked to be prayed for by her mother! she was a very SICK girl!! She had gone to one of the best hospitals and could not get any treatment or help. I asked everyone in the church to pray for her and we kneeled around her and prayed for healing. We BELIEVE she will be healed, please pray alongside us as this will be a powerful testimony in this village. After talking to her she said "I believe my Lord will heal me" her own words!!  Then she said I feel better already !

Just as we were leaving we met the Hindu lady who owned the land and the shed which we use, she asked if we could pray for her arm as she had fallen and it was bandaged... this was a great privilege. I asked her if she could also believe that God could heal her, and she said yes I think so.... Lets ALL be praying and that she will also accept Christ.

The day is not over and I cannot wait to see what happens next, sorry for the long ramblings but this is what mission is all about! Awesome!

Snakes, sickness, surpirses and saris!

Yesterday Pastor Jones (a new IVCM Pastor) got bitten by a dog, had to go to Gov't Hospital for rabies injections (preventative), but while on the bed a snake came and entered the room and the nurse ran out! it seemed everything was trying to stop him and us holding a service in this new unreached village.

This morning he was present and eager to conduct a meeting in his small rented rooftop building no  ore than 1.5m x 6m long! It was packed and the worship was outstanding, people were eager and so happy to greet us. But then after preaching and sharing the gospel 7  new people out of a max of 30 attending stood up and made a decision to accept Jesus as Lord. Things just broke lose, there was rejoicing and celebration that was something to witness. One older man gave me such a large hug after receiving a new testament having committed to Christ.

People asked for prayer,(see pic of a grandfather asking for prayer for his granddaughter) and to spend more time with them. Even Hindu neighbours asked us to stay for food although we could not we gave their two kids pencils and teddies!

We gave bibles to many needy people, it was great to give the two women (in this pic) a bible each so they no longer have to share! This is why we value your support to enable us to distribute bibles.The need is huge! We gave several Saris to the widows, always a joy for Kym to do and they love her hugs!

We tried to leave and this boy came up and asked for prayer as he had some diabetic problems that seemed not to be able to be treated here (hard to understand); he is a lovely boy named Baraekumar... please pray for him and for God to heal him completely.

What a privilege to spend time in this new village church and with the new pastor, what an encouraging start! KEEP PRAYING

15 January 2012

Not 'sari' but 'happy'!!

This evening we distributed some bibles (see pics) to very needy people, they had heard we were coming and so excited to receive them! Kym gave saris to a number of needy widows and the pics say everything. What a joy to see their happy faces, they have new clothes for another year! Practical stuff eh ?

A long day with some minor problems and health struggling at times, but the Lord is undertaking....

Keep praying thanks!

Freedom for the prisoners...!!

This afternoon we baptised two people both of whom have amazing testimonies to tell!! The old man (I named John) had been in prison, but what a joy to see the change in his face and life! He became full of the HS after praying for him as he came up out of the water.

'Youth' ink that's a good start!?

What a great start to the mission today! over 170 youth attended the meeting, having only a 120 signed up. So more lunches had to be made! Many youth commented afterwards that it was a very useful meeting.

Approx 25 made a decision to accept Jesus!