5 February 2009

Trains and training

After a long day we got the train at 2am to Madurai (see pics). Note the interesting fact that in order to get our cases to the correct side, they had to be hand balled across the track, through a stationary train, and up and over another platform........ that's India for you !!! Yesterday we attended a Pastors seminar and about 70 came from the surrounding districts. This is another of IVCM's ministry. To help/network and encourage independent pastors in surrounding villages. We provide one way transportation and free lunch!

We both spoke and they were much encouraged by our ministry.

Here are some pictures and stories of our last few days....

This afternoon we went to the place that we have bought land for a future community centre. We had such a welcome. Kids came out in costume to welcome us and dance, offering garlands ..

We opened the start of the tailoring training and had to cut the ribbon. Can't wait for funds to come in to build the full community project. This place has become even more alive since last year.
We then went into the makeshift coconut marquee for worship and Gospel service....

Praise God 11 people gave their hearts to the Lord that night....

Again an opportunity to speak to a local passer by. While worship in song was taking place, I saw a man on a bicycle with a huge bundle of straw go by and then stop....and listen. He came towards me and I shook his hand and invited him in. I left the service to greet him and sat him down.....amazing really as I had no translator. The Lord seems to enable us to 'connect' with these dear people in such a positive way.

At the end of the service and prayer we distributed gifts to the orphans, Bibles to those in need and Saris for the widows. The orphans here are wonderful kids and they remember us. Please Pray in these funds as they still have no permanent home!
4 hours later we finished our ministry and headed back to the hotel ..via a Christian home who wanted us to pray with them....hotel and dinner at 11 .30 p.m. Long Days but awesome!

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