This morning we had a women's meeting where 70 ladies were expected BUT 115 tuned up to hear a lady from the UK called Sister Susan! Yes ....that's me, featuring on posters as Sister Susan, I cannot believe it, known by my first name which has always been annoying. I think God has a wonderful sense of humour.
We had an incredibly uplifting service where Rod and I enjoyed worshipping with these lively ladies. We are beginning to recognise and enjoy singing Tamil choruses but this time the Pastor added a song in English. He sung it very well. I spoke first with Rod taking second place for once!
But as always God wonderfully dove tails his message through each of us even though we do know what we have prepared beforehand. This happens on just about every occasion - praise God.
One lady came and said afterwards that the message was definitely for her. Much prayer was said after the service which included me laying my hands on one crying lady who desperately wants to have a child. I can but trust God's will for her life but also I have a keenness to hear some "good news" at a later date.God is being wonderfully positive with our bodily ailments too, I thought yesterday that my tummy was in for the worse but after prayer I am doing fine today. Thank you Jesus.
Some more pics......
Women grateful to receive Bibles freely;

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