We left India with a great deal of emotion and thankful hearts for how the Lord had blessed our time in a way that we had never expected.
Favourite moments.......with pics below...
The joy of seeing so many joining in expressive worship to the same God we believe in, esp. When so much darkness still exists with idolatry and temple worship.

Many young children having fun and clasping one's hands eagerly and then being reluctant to let go.

Seeing passers by come stop and listen, and come to know Christ as their Saviour.

The fellowship and fun we had with the pastors of
IVCMSeeing young people rededicate their lives at youth revival meetings

The many different sights as we travel around that could only be seen in India.

The expression of grateful hearts seen on many faces as they
received Saris or Bibles.
IVCM's first international board meeting held in a hotel meeting room.

privilege of Baptising 10 new believers.

Seeing either the
beginnings of new projects such as a new prayer hall/ tailoring project; or items completed
during the year that were once only a prayer item.

Thanks to all for the many different ways in which we have been supported. We esp. Want to thank those who have been faithfully updating "our followers".... And a HUGE Thanks to Dave Hider for his creativity and frequent updates posted on our Blog. This has been such a powerful tool allowing you to see pictures first hand.
Sorry for any typos or poor phrases as the emails have been done mostly very late at night with battles over either power or availability of computers."
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