4 February 2011

'Driven' to find out more....

What an awesome end to part one!

As you know our driver had been attending some (in part) of our meetings. He has been very helpful albeit burly in character and have enjoyed teasing him most days. This is the first time a driver has ever been interested in what we do and observed our activities.

He has also seen me tease the youth and even hotel staff wherever we go and somehow we have related to one another in a positive way. I asked you recently to pray for him. At the end of a very long day as we pulled up at the hotel, he asked if I would pray with him. I knew at once this needed taking further. After a chat I told him that Jesus loved him and so did I, and that he needed to make some changes in his life and accept Jesus as Lord. I hugged him & we prayed together and he asked Jesus into his heart.

This was an awesome moment and this was for all of us a wonderful event that I will never forget. The next day (our last in this area), we gave him a bible and also a N.test. for his daughter. I later learned that his daughter who was married had been possessed by a demon, and her husband left her. Selvin (the father ~ our driver) had witnessed a change in her after another pastor had prayed for her and told us that she was interested in Christianity.

It's awesome to be part of a chain that God uses to speak to people and we give thanks for his response. Pastor David is arranging a visit (on return from the mission) to follow up with Selvin and pray with his family. Please pray that the whole family will be saved!