1 February 2011

People all the way....:

This evening had us concluding the day with a visit to another rural church around 7pm. Not many people were present and if I am honest our reaction was one of disappointment. After about 20 minutes of worship led by a very gifted young man others started to arrive.

I recognised a couple of young people who I had recently baptised and their enthusiasm along with others changed our whole outlook. we had a really special time of fellowship, who were very attentive to both Kym and I as we spoke.

The children were delightful as you can see, and the young people were so excited to receive a new Tamil bible.

Some more 'teddies' were handed out and in particular to one handicapped young man who is permanently on crutches. He plays the bongos and sings with great passion and you can see he is devoted to Christ.

More saris were given out by Kym and this was followed by prayer, one lady asked for prayer for her eyesight which had been defective from birth. A real test of our faith and we are praying for healing!

Please also pray for our driver, who faithfully takes us around from place to place. This he does without any questions from 9am to 9pm every day so far. What is amazing tho is that he is now attending some of the services and meetings for some of the time. Tonight he heard the gospel and has witnessed baptism and other activities. Please pray for him and us as we look for the right opportunity to share Jesus one to one.

Running out of steam a bit, but have one more full day before we have a day off. Please keep praying. Thank you