7 February 2011

"Grafting for the Gospel":

I think we are getting tired now and the 'annoyances' of India are starting to rise to the surface and we have to remain focussed on the plans God still wants us to fulfill. We have had some long days which have been demanding upon our very souls. It reminds me that Jesus experienced the same things as he faced the multitudes each day.

We started today and was on the road at 7.30am  and got into our room at 11.45pm, only to find that it was so noisy we had to 'shift rooms' as the Indians say. So at 12.30 we finally settled into bed. Another prompt start that morning meant it was a short night.

We are often surrounded or near temples and idols, some grotesque, but at the same time we see some beautiful things.

Our heart strings are being yanked in all directions, from the exposure to such sadness and poverty with the people in the deepest rural villages; to having to pray some of the hardest prayers we are being asked to do. For example one frail old lady ( a believer) came up to me and asked me to pray that the Lord would call her home. She said simply " Iv'e had enough'... I want to be with the lord1 She grabbed my hands and just wept, sobbing in my arms! By contrast it's a joy to pray for the young children who come up and ask for prayer for exams.

Kym hada family come and ask for prayer , they were so grateful but slipped something into her handbag. When later on ... after the multitudes had left and we were in the car. She found money tightly folded. It was the equivalent of a weeks wages.! Such sacrifice  and I am not always sure why or what the motive is. Kym is also seen here with a teenage girl, who asked for prayer. She sat on her lap and as Kym prayed she had tears running down her face.

What a privilege it is to minister to these people and share Jesus compassion with them. I want to do so much more, but thank God we are doing something, I guess I am not satisfied with the few drops, and want a bigger bucket!

Please pray for fresh energy to be sustained for these last few days