8 February 2011
Sunday evening we hired a hall in the middle of a very rural community and Kym did a sterling job in speaking to these precious ladies with a powerful message. They responded with great emotion and many came and knelt down in front of her to be prayed for (see pic). I also spoke and together we seemed to really bless them.
The hall was packed and they were in full worship using every ounce of energy.It is so wonderful to know that such poor and humble people love the same God that we worship and are saved for eternity. They have come out of darkness into the light, and now have a new birth into a LVING HOPE that we read of In 1 Peter 1:
It excites us to know that the Gospel is alive in India despite the problems, I can relate to how Paul says "I am eager to preach the gospel" Romans 1:15, evangelism is awesome!!!
Keep praying as YOU are a valuable part of this team!