22 January 2012

Seed produces fruit....

Yesterday was a long day and demanded much of us as this involved much travelling. We started at 8am and got back at 11.10pm exhausted but very satisfied.

The morning was the second youth meeting, which was well attended and they appreciated our teaching which involved participation. They seemed very responsive both adults and young people. There was a strong response to the call at the end of the meeting where over 50 young people made a decision to accept Jesus. we trust that the good seed sown will grow and develop into something beautiful, please pray for these new believers.

In the evening we held an outdoor Gospel meeting in a rural village. This was also well attended by some 300 people. Many were still coming from work after we started and enjoyed sitting and listening and watching. To start with there was no power, and we had to use a generator but this would cause problems with using the projector and media. However just as we started the power came back on , and then again at the end within 5 minutes the power went off! How about that for timely intervention! Many people asked for prayer at the end and some for healing. However 27 people mostly adults but some teenagers came forward at the end to accept Christ.

Thanks for your prayers, please do continue as we are flagging a little as we near the end. god has been so good and sustained our very need. Keep praying as we make the most of these opportunities.