23 January 2012

Orphan time was had by all (say it in yer head!)

A very busy day as this involved four services/meetings, very punishing in one sense but rewarding as always. We are here on a mission and people are eager to hear and receive bibles and saris and for prayer.

Our first service at a small IVCM church Kym took which helped me conserve my voice and it culminated in 4 people make a commitment to Christ. This was so encouraging for the pastor and fellow believers, we could see growth from 2 years a go.

The next service was at the church where our own orphans are based. This church had expanded in terms of the congregation and many improvements had been made. The orphans made a special effort to greet us and line up with a guard of honour holding reed crosses. Again we were blessed as 5 new believers made a decision to accept Jesus. Each received new testaments (see pics with bibles).

The orphans were so happy to spend time with us, and we gave them cuddly toys/pencils and tooth brushes. Also we had funded to provide new matts to sleep on. what a privilege to spend time with these well cared for young people and they seemed so  responsive and grateful for your gifts.