The day began with a shorter service in a remote village of an IVCM pastor in the South, a small gathering of faithful believers were in full worship as we entered the building. Everyone of the team commented on how beautiful the 'church' was represented. children were included and even older ones brought in cups of water for the younger, while mothers seemed intent on what was being preached. We left the place in tears to see such humble sights and realised how we seem to be more rigid in our approach in the more traditional churches (but not all) compared with what we see here; it is hard to describe or put in words what we see and experience but there is for sure a hunger for God that is so obvious in these places.
We then headed for the orphans located by another church that we visit regularly . Our arrival was again announced with a small band of drums and trumpets and even fire crackers let off behind us, the noise and celebration was truly awesome! More greetings, shawls and various speeches made. We dedicated, anointed and opened the ground floor of the new orphanage which was still about a month from final completion, but that did not stop us from celebrating! Pat and Layla were asked to open the kitchen.. well another reason for celebration… why not? We then had a full service, gospel response (22 came forward), bible distribution, gifts distribution and so on.

Then we met and prayed with local IVCM pastors and moved into a baptismal service, which was arranged for 7 people; after the 6th one I was looking for the 7th when a strong man came and was carrying a crippled man into the baptismal tub. He helped me baptise this old man who was certainly not fearful and gave loud Amen responses to my questions. This was a very emotional moment for us all… what a testimony! Our finale at this place was to plant up a raised bed newly made for the occasion… just had to do garden once again!
The day concluded with the last women's meeting and the very last program of the mission trip. We were running so late that we could not stop for a meal but managed to grab a quick cup of tea infused with Cardamon that kept us going. None the less the 'ladies of the team' were extremely anxious about such a late start (1.5hrs late!!) The ladies seemed to have a new lease of life (thanks to the Cardamon) but within minutes of them starting people started entering the ALREADY packed hall. It turns out a bus load came 1.5hrs late and filled up the areas around the stage and then down the aisle! Over 400 women had gathered with eagerness to hear the message!. Kym was on form and included speaking several phrases in Tamil much to the interpreters surprise! The response was overwhelming and as she went down to pray over them there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit which was such a blessing to the team and the ladies gathered. A late arrival back to the hotel meant we were all very tired and checking in at 1.30am the next morning meant a very short night!