Monday started with tears as two of the team received sad information over night that they each had discovered somebody had died that was important to them. After prayer and close fellowship we were strengthened in the Lord.
The pastors meeting was well attended and the Holy Spirit was touching lives as various messages were delivered. At the close there was an outpouring of the HS that flooded the place as we prayed for the land of India to be healed! I cried as I prayed which was followed by a senior old pastor who wept as he closed in prayer. I am not sure I have experienced such a heart being poured out as he cried to The Lord as he prayed. How I would have loved to hear his exact words, but we got the picture!
The next session was with the Micah students where each team member spoke on a passage of scripture. An awesome time of enthusiastic fellowship and ministry followed.
The evening had us travelling into a community steeped in Witchcraft and Idol worship for a gospel meeting in a village square. As we drew close to this place we happened to notice a full moon which appeared reddish in colour.
Even though we prayer walked the square within moments a fight broke out on one side. Then a few senior men approached us with rage shouting to stop worship and using microphones. It appeared we were somehow responsible for this fight because of our religion. It seems many other factors influenced their actions. We were just 50ft from a snake temple no wonder the serpent put up a fight!
We were granted permission to pray and then leave which we did while trying to pack up our equipment . Within moments they seemed full of rage and waving an arm, with that we retreated to the van in haste while Roger was still grabbing arms of people and praying into them. As we journeyed back tears started again for the lost opportunity of the gospel. We trust The Lord spoke thru those brief prayers and we had a wake up call as to how hard and real mission is in India!
PLEASE STEP UP YOUR PRAYER FOR THE TEAM AND MISSION 13 this is not easy here and I realise from your position in the safety of UK. The New Testament has reality over here!
Thanks and God Bless