29 January 2010

Painting and Planting.....

What a day...!! It was a real hands on day as we spent our time helping out at the New Prayer Hall Project.. The day began by taking a look at the almost complete building with various bods doing the finishing touches.

Peter and Kym began painting the walls with a substance that was the furthest thing removed from what we call emulsion paint... probably more a 'white wash'... do we do that any more in the UK ?

Then it was decided that the colour was a bit grim, resembling something like the colour from a dishwasher! No probs tho within 1hr we were presented with another bucket of a similar substance but biscuit colour... much better!

Rod spent the time landscaping and in his element... gardening in India!!!!!

First preparation of soil ????? Is that what you call it? Then off to a local nursery .... of sorts ... no B&Q here!! Great fun choosing plants and then loading them into our vehicle and back we go to plant!

Placing and planting with what we call a trowel and spade here referred to as a 'Spoon' and a hoe!? All planted and it does look great, watered in ?..... yes of course, just dig a huge channel, chomp out a paddy field and here comes the water.... lots of it!!
While we got busy with paint and plants we also met the local carpenter who was building a lectern, and other painters who decided to paint the walls outside after planting my raised tub... I guess builders are the same world over .? Well actually that's not quite fair .. it was the painters fault .... or was it the ...? Oh well. This builder did a great job, under huge time deadlines and actually saved us money .. he is a Christian.. so take it back (big time!) Job done!

Also took time to see our cow project again and as you can see also doing well!

Need to get a good nights sleep and prepare for the youth meeting and baptismal programme for tomorrow!


  1. Hi Rod and Kym,
    Glad to see you arrived safely, and had answered prayer for the luggage.
    I see the health and safety at work rules are slacker there (Peter painting while standing on a plastic chair! ) - just like it used to be here..
    Hoping that tomorrow's Church meetings go well.

  2. Dear Rod,Kim and Peter,
    I can see the seed is always with you!!
    It is a time of planting before the great harvest.
    I walk with you by faith and stand.
    I pray for God's love, protection and good health. He provides acording to His riches.

    Love Suzanne <><
