Feeling a little weird as we have been at a such a pace for so long that it's time to move on! (There's a sermon in that phrase!...... in fact after spending weeks of preparation there seems to be a sermon in most things if you look hard enough!). Have been up early and late to bed for so long, then all of a sudden we find our selves at an airport with 6 hours to kill and with not much to do except browse for stuff you can't afford or don't want! Even tried a few sniffs of diff aftershaves and came out smelling like somebody that fell into a Pot-Pourri bowl!! Oh how we long to be with our friends in India!
Kym being the positive one says a later departure will suit our body clocks better, so am enjoying the benefits of an exec lounge and eating ourselves silly and trusting that the Lord has a purpose in this (not the eating silly of course!). Terminal 5 I have come to the conclusion (after the 5th visit) is a land of space and escalators.... strange metallic almost space age...slightly unwelcoming place. You are constantly going up and down escalators to get to where you want to go, and returning back to where you were but from a diff angle... surely this could have been designed better !? (waiting now for the critics who like this place a lot!)....sorry still not sure.
Well I guess it won't be long before the sounds, smells and serious noise of Bangalore will be real to us, and that I was actually glad of the air-con lounge in Heathrow. speak with you later.... that is assuming you don't get get disenchanted after reading this first clip?
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